Thursday, 11 June 2015

Question: How can you treat the top five embarrassing ailments? Part 2/2

Answer: Last week we took a look at some of the causes of everyday embarrassing conditions like bad breath and excessive sweating.  In many of the cases, the problem is something that is quite simple and easily avoided. This week then we’re going to see what kind of treatments are available to treat them if the problem is particularly bad or ongoing. 

Please note though that if initial over the counter treatments do not work, or if the problem is particularly acute, then it is always best to seek a consultation with a medical professional.

Bad Breath

As we saw, bad breath is usually caused by the breakdown of leftover food particles in the mouth by bacteria, which then releases gas. The most straightforward cure for bad breath is to overhaul your tooth brushing regimen. Remember to brush at least twice a day, particularly after meals. The key here, however, is not exactly the amount of times you brush, but rather how you do it. 

For starters, the teeth and mouth need to be brushed for two minutes at a time, minimum. Studies by various dental federations in the United States have found that well over half of all people questioned brush for less than half that time. Along with brushing the teeth, make sure to run the brush over your gums and the tongue. The tongue is one of the largest areas in the mouth for bacteria to collect, but most people forget to brush it properly. Remember to only brush with moderate force, as brushing too hard can result in receding gums, which is irreparable. Along with the brush, flossing and mouthwash will finish off any remaining bacteria and go a long way to making sure that your breath is fresh all day.

Excessive Sweating

The amount that we sweat has a lot to do with our genetics and family history, but there are some things we can do to lessen the problem. Taking up some kind of aerobic activity, whether it be walking, jogging, cycling (spinning), dance, or anything similar will go a long way to getting the heart rate up, improving your overall fitness, and so reducing your preponderance to sweat in everyday situations. 

Sweating can also be a sign of a potential or underlying condition like heart problems, so moderate exercise will have a double fold effect here in helping the sufferer perhaps more than they know.


In a lot of cases, flatulence is caused by swallowing air while we’re eating and so the simple solution here is to eat slightly slower and chew our food properly before we take it into the stomach. More chewing will also help with digesting the food once it’s in the stomach, thereby reducing the production of sulphur, which is the main component in the smell that comes with wind. 

Some foods, like garlic and onions, will increase the likelihood of both bad breath and wind, and so it is to be advised that they are avoided as much as possible if either or both of these conditions are becoming a problem.


Scabies can be contracted quite easily if you work in a job which necessitates close contact with others, and schoolchildren are particularly susceptible given the close nature of classrooms and games at break time. If they are contracted, it’s best to consult with your pharmacist for the best treatment. Most likely these will be either a cream containing permethrin or a lotion containing malathion. In some cases, an oral medication might be recommended. Those suffering from scabies should wash their hands often, both to prevent spreading the disease to different areas or even on to others.


Unlike scabies, dandruff cannot be contracted from other people, but it is still an embarrassing and distracting condition to have. It can be prevented to some measure by shampooing the hair regularly, as well as keeping your zinc and Vitamin B levels topped up, either with over the counter supplements if necessary, or with a rounded diet. Dandruff can also result from changing your regular hair treatments, so it might be well to bear that in mind. Ultimately, however, the best treatment by far is washing the hair and scalp thoroughly with a dedicated dandruff shampoo as directed. 


John Keane is a full time pharmacist and owner of Keanes Pharmacy. Why not discuss this topic confidentially with John anytime in person at Keanes Pharmacy, Austin Friars or 0449342884 ©Keanes Pharmacy

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