Thursday, 7 May 2015

Question: What are some alternatives to traditional aftershave?

Answer:  Aftershave, like a lot of hygiene products for men, is something that not a lot of us think about a lot beyond the fragrance. Indeed, most Irish men at least will avoid talking about the products they use like the plague, as if it’s something that they have no part in whatsoever, most often mumbling something about getting it for Christmas or how their other half bought it for them. Aftershave can be something of an exception to this rule, but the only thing that is likely to merit a mention is if it is a fairly well-known brand or at least on the expensive side. Any discussion beyond that will usually result in a blank stare or perhaps a friendly shrug.

This is odd when we consider that aftershave is a product we apply on a daily or near daily basis to our face, but one which we most likely put zero thought into when it comes to how it is affecting our skin. It can be hard to admit that a certain product is irritating the skin or causing discomfort, let alone murmur that forbidden term “sensitive skin.” But if you’re finding that the blotchy look of shaving rash and blood on your collar is outweighing the benefit of your favourite aftershave’s scent, here are a few alternatives to consider.

Cut Out the Alcohol

A wet shave using water, cream, and a razor leaves the pores of the face open, as well many tiny nicks and cuts on the skin which are often all but invisible. The majority of men’s aftershaves contain alcohol to treat these cuts and open pores to ensure that they do not become clogged or infected. The problem with that, however, is that alcohol dehydrates the skin and often leaves it feeling tight, as well as prone to premature aging. If you’re finding that you’re suffering from this uncomfortably tight feeling after shaving, perhaps an alcohol free aftershave or balm might be the answer. Neutrogena, for example, offers a great aftershave that fits the bill perfectly. Washing the face with cold water after your shave but before application will help close up the pores and cuts sufficiently in any case. 

Stay Young

If the idea of avoiding the premature aging and tightness that comes with alcohol based aftershaves and actually slowing down the inevitable lines that come with aging appeals to you, then perhaps it might be an idea to avoid the lotion and balm area of post shaving treatments and try one of the many moisturizers for men that are on the market. These combine the benefits listed above, along with being perfect for men who do suffer from sensitive skin after shaving. The Nivea for Men range has both a “Rehydrating Moisturizer” and “Sensitive Moisturizer” which provide protection after shaving throughout the day, refreshes the skin, and also protects from UV rays if you’re working outdoors. 

Worried about Smell?

The most important part of an aftershave for many of us, especially on a night out or special occasion, is the scent. This is a factor that can be lost if switching to a non-alcohol shaving balm or a moisturizer. If you’re looking for something to fill in the gap, take a look at the range of colognes or eau de toilettes stocked in your local pharmacy, and take your pick. 


John Keane is a full time pharmacist and owner of Keanes Pharmacy. Why not discuss this topic confidentially with John anytime in person at Keanes Pharmacy, Austin Friars or 0449342884 ©Keanes Pharmacy 

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