Question: During labour, what are the essentials for
every mum’s baby bag?
Packing and carrying the baby bag is an essential part
of the labour and birthing process, not only because hospitals will provide
only limited essentials, but also to put your mind at rest that you have everything
you need.
If you are getting close to term, here is a handy
check list of items that the new mother and baby will need for their stay.
For check in:
Family doctor's details
- health insurance info and insurance card
- hospital registration forms
- picture ID
- Ante-Natal Card
- bring copies of your birth plan (if you have one)
- money and/or a credit card, for parking and vending machines
- health insurance info and insurance card
- hospital registration forms
- picture ID
- Ante-Natal Card
- bring copies of your birth plan (if you have one)
- money and/or a credit card, for parking and vending machines
For Mammy:
- non-perishable snacks (hospital cafeteria’s close early and labour can go on late)
- non-perishable snacks (hospital cafeteria’s close early and labour can go on late)
- glasses/contact
- warm, non-skid socks, warm slippers and/or flip flops (for walks, showers and in case your feet are too swollen for shoes)
- warm robe and jumper
- maternity bras and nursing pads (for support and leak-protection)
- easy front opening nightie that allows for skin to skin contact after birth
- several pairs of undies (briefs, maternity, or disposables)
- warm, non-skid socks, warm slippers and/or flip flops (for walks, showers and in case your feet are too swollen for shoes)
- warm robe and jumper
- maternity bras and nursing pads (for support and leak-protection)
- easy front opening nightie that allows for skin to skin contact after birth
- several pairs of undies (briefs, maternity, or disposables)
- warm, soft towel
- lip balm (hospitals, and maternity wards in particular, are kept very warm, and so they can also be dry, with lips becoming cracked during labour from heavy breathing as well the gas and air)
- soft toilet paper, baby wipes
- wash bag – with toiletries like shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, face wash and moisturiser, hairbrush and contact lens solution if required.
- hair ties, clips and headbands to keep hair out of face during labour
- plastic bags for dirty clothes
- numerous revitalizing isotonic sports drinks like Lucozade
- multi-vitamins and/or glucose sweets
- some kind of timing device for recording length and frequency of contractions. A watch with a second hand and a pen and paper will do fine here, but do remember that there are apps now available that will record everything on your phone
- mobile phone charger!
- personal DVD player, iPod, and a good book
- lip balm (hospitals, and maternity wards in particular, are kept very warm, and so they can also be dry, with lips becoming cracked during labour from heavy breathing as well the gas and air)
- soft toilet paper, baby wipes
- wash bag – with toiletries like shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, face wash and moisturiser, hairbrush and contact lens solution if required.
- hair ties, clips and headbands to keep hair out of face during labour
- plastic bags for dirty clothes
- numerous revitalizing isotonic sports drinks like Lucozade
- multi-vitamins and/or glucose sweets
- some kind of timing device for recording length and frequency of contractions. A watch with a second hand and a pen and paper will do fine here, but do remember that there are apps now available that will record everything on your phone
- mobile phone charger!
- personal DVD player, iPod, and a good book
- CD or music to play: most labour rooms have a stereo
that you can play your own music on
- maternity pads
- nipple cream and breast pads
- pyjamas and nightgown
For Baby:
- nappies
- cellular blankets Tip: These are superior to fleece blankets, as they breath and won’t allow baby to get overheated
- cellular blankets Tip: These are superior to fleece blankets, as they breath and won’t allow baby to get overheated
- vests
- socks Tip:
Make sure to keep baby’s feet warm for the heel prick test!
- sleepsuits
- baby bath lotion and shampoo Tip: Even if your baby doesn’t have a lot of hair, they might still
enjoy the feeling of the shampoo, so pack it anyway!
- baby towel
- cotton wool
For Homecoming:
Mammy - A clean, loose-fitting outfit for you, maternity wear may still be
necessary, warm jacket and jumper, comfortable shoes
- a clean vest
- sleepsuit
- warm outdoor onesie or snowsuit (Animal hood
is optional!)
- warm blanket and hat
- properly installed car seat Tip: It’s best to practice setting this up well in advance!
- properly installed car seat Tip: It’s best to practice setting this up well in advance!